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Temporary PvP title and unique mount for a week

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2022 6:36 am
by reterine
I have an idea about to get people interested to PvP. Please leave your comment and ideas below for the development of my suggestion..
Per Wintergrasp wins 15 points, RBG 10 points, 10 honarable kills 1 points. Or only Wintergrasp data to be fair.. Or only RBG and Wintersgrap battle's between svt 16:00 to 12:00 win datas will be record.. (server peak time)
How it will be work ?
Players who has the most honarable kills and wins points in a week between svt 16:00 -12.00 (6 hours) everyday.. data will be collect by the server (already there are) and this player will earn (Wow_Mania made) PvP title [Butcher Of The Week] and an Unique mount. Those rewards will only last for one week and will disappear.. But the player who claimed this award 20 times in total, will get a permanent WoW-Mania made Achievment or tittle such as [Bane of PvP] title.

Re: Temporary PvP title and unique mount for a week

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2022 9:32 am
Hi reterine,
Would be a good idea to post your suggestion ideas on Mania discord #suggestions-only channel if you havent done so already.

Mania discord